
Ingestion Our instincts forces us to take care of our base needs. One of these needs, is the must to consume nutrients. The urge to feed is a good help in the matter of survival. Likely our ancestors with the most of this base ingredient, where the once to endure and prevail. Helping to ensure survival of the fittest. In the bounty of the modern western world, this fundamental need is more or less solved. Taken care of without struggle, on a daily basis. To satisfy the need for food and drink, we experiment with different flavors and types. We explore dishes from other cultures, to enhance our taste. This also makes us more familiar with other cultures. To serve others is a fundamental ritual, which today lives on as a token of care. Refusing or criticize others food, is often taken personally and is referred to as ingratitude.
Ingestion also keeps us occupied, is used as a cure to boredom and anxiety. In these cases, to eat is more likely a medicine, amusement or escape. In the abundance of food we have, we have the option to eat a lot. We can ingest until or stomachs ache or our vision get dizzy. We can allow ourselves, to take food and drinks for granted. Our ingestion therefore can be a sport or achievement.