Physical challenges

Physical challenges The need to test our limits. To prove ourselves in certain situations and social groups. Is a ritual that probably dates back to the pre historic age. Our ancestors showing of in order to impress and claim there rank and status. In those "harder" times, the behavior surely helped the stronger ones survive, ensuring the evolution into mankind. In the modern western world, physical challenges seldom are about survival. The future of individuals or the species itself. Still these instincts to compete or to pressure ourselves, near the limits. Somewhere in the primitive parts of our minds, we are still as our ancestors . Making sure that we continue this activity, just for the hell of seeing if we are really up to it or not. Forcing us to take on the ones around us in "duels of deadly seriousness", without letting our wits stop us. Setting stupid growing thoughts into motion. Having us obsessed with that getting certain made up deeds done, would be achievements.



