
Fighting The games with a focus on close combat is know as fighting games. One thing thats common for fighting games, is that certain moves or attacks is better to use in a situation. The ability to combine moves in to even better moves, known as "combos" are also something that makes a player defeat the enemies easier. To limit these type of attacks, the player may have to attack in other ways first. To be able to deliver this special punishment the player might have to take a number of hits. The moves done in the fights, can be made by inputing more or less complicated button combinations. They can also be achieved by just pressing a whole lot, this tactic is know as "button mashing". To block attacks is a good way of controlling the fight, a feeling for when to block and attack is very useful. How the fighting takes place may vary. Some games puts the player against hundreds of enemies, serving the player a couple of them at the time. In these games the player can take a lot more beating than the opponents but suffer a lot when surrounded by them. The player need to have a good "crowd control", knowing when to keep the distance and when to knock an opponent out. Hand to hand weapons can be used by the player or the enemies. They are often more of entertaining or flavor value, rarely having a big impact on how the fighting takes place. Other fighting games focus on a single or few opponents in a more equal and duel based fight. Players normally choose a fighter to duel with in this game type. The knowledge of what moves characters can make is of big importance in these kind of games. To practice on your "main" character, known as your fighter of choice is a common activity. Duel games tend to be more dependent on the timing of the fight. Making the experienced player having an advantage from knowing the moves and physics.



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